Ephesians 6:7 says , “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.” On day 3 at the foundation we got to meet and connect with a bunch of new people. We got to serve around one hundred elderly people by painting their nails and giving them gifts and medicine. We also had the opportunity to sing songs to them and pray for them in Spanish. For lunch some of the kids from Foothill helped in the kitchen by preparing the food and washing the dishes for over 250 people.
-Written by Emily Garcia
The first couple of days were intimidating, due to the language barrier, but everyone at the foundation was just generally happy to have the “Americanos” present. They didn’t care that I was pronouncing words wrong, they just wanted to play. Everyday, we get the opportunity to go out and meet new kids, serve in the kitchen, or help in the “cage”. But the thing I love the most is, spending all my time with the little kids and giving them love and attention. Whether it’s doing face paint, or the girls painting my nails, or the girls teaching me a new handshake or even the endless piggy back rides, it is so much fun.
-Written by Megan Venegas
Overall day 3, was not just about serving the Dominicans, but serving God, as the gospel teaches us.

Zoie met Jose, who is 21 and learning English. She stayed up reading every chance she could get so she can finish her book to give to him.