Our projects are inspired by the already-established assistance programs within the "Campo de Sueños" ("Field of Dreams") facility led by Manny and Margarita Mota. A special thank you to our donors, students, and parent-volunteers who have blessed us all, bringing a smile and much warmth to those we serve and to those who generously donate their time and goods.

Motas Faces Projects

Education in the Dominican Republic
Our program provides school uniforms, supplies and facilities assistance. We seek to provide all items that are needed to provide as many children in the Dominican Republic with the best education possible.

Feeding Children and Their Families
We support the programs already in place at the Field of Dreams facility. For example, when our student volunteers visit, the teens assist with the daily lunch program providing between 200-300 meals to children and their families. Our parent chaperones get involved by helping in the kitchen to prepare the meals.

Music Education Program
It is a goal for our 2011 campaign to institute an after-school music program. This enrichment opportunity will provide the children with exposure to formal voice training under the guidance of a music professional. Music is an integral part of Dominican culture. This program will unite the children of the community through a shared purpose and a common goal- To sing together while building their self-esteem.

Baseball Uniforms and Equipment
Through the generosity of San Gabriel Valley, California Little Leagues, this program has provided baseball uniforms and equipment to the Field of Dreams complex. Many Dominican children play baseball and dream of emulating their country's countless major leagues. These uniforms have helped unite our children and give them a sense of belonging. Our program has outfitted over twenty teams with nearly new uniforms. We seek to expand this program so more children can learn unity through teamwork and follow their dreams by playing baseball .

School Uniforms and Clothes for Dominican Families
This began as our primary mission-providing gently used uniforms to children who couldn't afford them. Public schools in the DR require uniforms, but this is often much too expensive for families that are living a day to day existence. We have found that shoes are desperately needed as well. Often, a child may have a pair of shoes to attend school , but as soon as they return home those shoes must be put away and kept in good condition. These children run and play on unpaved roads, amidst debris, in bare feet. Going barefoot increases these children's risk for getting soil-transmitted diseeases, as well as other injuries. We also provide footwear for adults . In some cases this has enabled people to get a better job.

Community Garden
Fertile land, lots of rain, perfect growing conditions. We plan on implementing a community garden to grow fruits and vegetables which will support the daily meal program. We also hope to provide the children an opportunity to be active partners in providing for their own needs.
Want to Get Involved?
If you want to help us on some of these projects and make a difference in the lives of the children of the Dominican Republic get in touch with us and we can discuss how you can help.